Here is a snapshot of the $DU_G_rp data structure, after the program has received the following requests:,'Durito_netsc_init') This snapshot is inaccurate only in that the complete HTML document that the structure contained has been substituted for '...HTML document here...'. $VAR1 = bless( { '1' => bless( { '1' => bless( { 'http_response_headers' => { 'status' => '301', 'location' => 'NonDoc.html?inst_index=1&cmd1=html_construct(base_frameset)', 'message' => 'Moved Permanently', 'expires' => '-1d' }, 'inst_index' => 1, 'commands' => [ bless( { 'args' => [], 'cmd' => 'reset_url', 'cmd_index' => 0, 'cmd_string' => 'reset_url()', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 1, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ), bless( { 'args' => [ 'base_frameset' ], 'cmd' => 'html_construct', 'cmd_index' => 1, 'cmd_string' => 'html_construct(base_frameset)', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 1, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ) ], 'req_index' => 1, 'other_query_fields' => { 'PATH_INFO' => '/NonFile.html' } }, 'Durito::RP::Request' ), 'inst_index' => 1, '2' => bless( { 'http_response_headers' => { 'ct' => 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1', 'expires' => '-1d' }, 'inst_index' => 1, 'commands' => [ bless( { 'args' => [ 'base_frameset' ], 'cmd' => 'html_construct', 'cmd_index' => 0, 'cmd_string' => 'html_construct(base_frameset)', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 2, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ), bless( { 'args' => [ 'frames_N4_01_es.xhtml' ], 'cmd' => '_load_resource', 'cmd_index' => 1, 'cmd_string' => '_load_resource(\'frames_N4_01_es.xhtml\')', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 2, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ), bless( { 'args' => [], 'cmd' => '_insert_config_info', 'cmd_index' => 2, 'cmd_string' => '_insert_config_info()', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 2, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ), bless( { 'args' => [], 'cmd' => '_insert_inst_info', 'cmd_index' => 3, 'cmd_string' => '_insert_inst_info()', 'inst_index' => 1, 'req_index' => 2, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ) ], 'req_index' => 2, 'http_response_body' => '...HTML document here...', 'other_query_fields' => { 'PATH_INFO' => '/NonDoc.html' } }, 'Durito::RP::Request' ), 'active' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Instance' ), 'temp' => bless( { '0' => bless( { 'http_response_headers' => { 'status' => '204', 'message' => 'No content' }, 'inst_index' => 'temp', 'commands' => [ bless( { 'args' => [ 'kill_window', 'Durito_netsc_init' ], 'cmd' => 'front_end', 'cmd_index' => 0, 'cmd_string' => 'front_end(kill_window,\'Durito_netsc_init\')', 'inst_index' => 'temp', 'req_index' => 0, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ), bless( { 'args' => [ 'stop_if_necessary' ], 'cmd' => 'audio', 'cmd_index' => 1, 'cmd_string' => 'audio(stop_if_necessary)', 'inst_index' => 'temp', 'req_index' => 0, 'processed' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Command' ) ], 'req_index' => 0, 'other_query_fields' => { 'PATH_INFO' => '/Nondoc.html' } }, 'Durito::RP::Request' ), 'inst_index' => 'temp', 'active' => 1 }, 'Durito::RP::Instance' ) }, 'Durito::RP' );